The Journal of Technology in Student Affairs
Editor's Note
In this issue of StudentAffairs On-Line, Stuart Brown gives you tips on what you need to know regarding the redesign of your campus web sites, but I would like to direct your attention to a different kind of systems issue - developing large student information systems. In the New Directions for Higher Education series, a fairly recent monograph (no. 136, Winter 2006) details what you need to know about purchasing, designing and implementing such systems. In the monograph (entitled Building a Student Information System: Strategies for Success and Implications for Campus Policy Makers), Don Hossler (ed.) and his collaborators offer many helpful suggestions for anyone who is involved in purchasing or developing large student information systems for their campuses. For my review of this monograph, look for the upcoming winter issue of The Review of Higher Education.
Gary D. Malaney
Featured Articles
In Use of Technology among Higher Education Faculty Members: Implications for Innovative Practice, Terrell L. Strayhorn uses survey data to look at the use of technology in teaching by higher education faculty members.
Derek Moreno discusses the advantages and disadvantages of centralizing the computing operations of student affairs in Student Affairs and Technology: To Centralize or Not to Centralize.
In Confessions of a Student Affairs Blogger: Learning to Fly, a blogger tells about her feelings regarding writing her 2006 job search and her 2007 New Professional blogs.
Finally, Stuart Brown provides some advice regarding the redesigning process for campus web sites in Basic Guidelines for Redesigning a Campus Website.